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Course Details
  • Evening Acceptance Rate : 64.5%
  • Morning Acceptance Rate : 69.5%
  • Specifications : Scientific
  • Department Costs : 1,500,000 IQD

The Department of Radiology Technologies was established on 10/17/2017 according to the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Department of Private University Education, numbered T/A/Q/7416 on 10/17/2017.

The mission of the Department of Radiology Technologies is to raise the level of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the future, provide their various requirements, provide state health institutions and other sectors with specialists in the field of technical radiography, and keep pace with the development taking place in this field.

The Department of Radiology Technologies occupies a scientific position in the academic and medical scientific community and plays an effective and influential applied role in the technical, health and medical fields, thus meeting the needs of society and the requirements of the labor market. The Department of Radiology Technologies has a strong scientific and medical staff in the field of radiation physics and diagnostic radiology.

The department aims to prepare and graduate highly qualified scientific technical cadres capable of dealing with and operating complex and advanced technologies in the field of radiography devices (X-rays, digital image display devices, (CR) ultrasound diagnostic devices (sonars), computed tomography (scanners). And magnetic resonance imaging) and taking care of it and capable of extracting successful results to reach an accurate diagnosis of various pathological conditions by a specialized radiologist, which in turn leads to curative treatment for those pathological conditions. It also prepares the student to deal with radioactive materials and protect them. During the years of study, especially after the first year, the student begins training in relevant health institutions under the supervision of a doctor specializing in diagnostic radiology.

Department Head Teacher Word

The Department of Radiology Technologies, through Al-Hadi University College, works to build the professional capabilities of its students so that when they graduate, they will be able to face contemporary challenges and participate effectively in building a better future for our beloved country, Iraq. The department also works so that the graduate, God willing, will have tangible positive impacts in the health and academic circles in our dear country. Of course, this will only be achieved by following a distinguished educational system implemented by faculty members with the utmost precision and received by our students with seriousness, sincerity, and keenness to understand their responsibilities in acquiring technical skills through technical training inside and outside the college in hospitals and health institutions. The importance of this technical specialty, which is radiology techniques, is known to everyone in facilitating the doctor’s task of prescribing the correct treatment through accurate diagnosis by providing him with the results of X-ray images, sonar, magnetic resonance imaging, and other precise devices in this field. After graduation, the student can complete his graduate studies inside or outside Iraq for a specific specialization. Inevitably, success in any field of life does not come by chance, but is achieved through faith, determination, and perseverance May God grant everyone success for what is good for our dear country.



5 years

Graduate of scientific preparatory school

Department Students

Graduated Students pioneers Year
No data available



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